Monday 15 November 2010

After one year

Here are our figures at the end of the first year...
We have generated 4250 units of electricity.
We have imported 2773 units (mostly in the evening and at night), saving us 1301 units compared to our average old import over one year.
We have imported 550 units of gas (saving about 150 units a year)

Things we have learned...
This is 'easy green' to implement.
Even is you don't care for the planet two hoots (we do care!) you can reap a return on your investment.
Without going overboard and getting stressed about it, you can make small changes to minimise your import - we are trying now to use the washing machine and bread-maker during the day (no cost electricity). To aim to run machines sequentially rather than switching them on all at once. We have bought a slow cooker to sometimes use the trickle of electricity that is generated in the daytime rather than importing a high energy load when turning on the oven in the evening.
We think we will be a net zero bills house. The income from the Feed In Tariff will cover the imported electricity gas and water to work on that dreadful council tax bill - ideas anyone?

Monday 18 October 2010

Reached a landmark 4000 units this weekend - after just 11 months on stream :)

Monday 22 March 2010

Output Figures

Month - My guesstimate before installation - Actual KWh 2009-10, 2010-11 

November - 142 - 168 - 203
December - 100 - 162 - 141
January - 111 - 156 - 151
February - 214 - 170 - 170
March - 354 - 371 - 421
April - 444 - 560 - 520
May - 478 - 496 - 475
June - 462 - 573 - 450
July - 464 - 450 - 475
August - 456 - 423 - 400
September - 367 - 374 - 374
October - 221 - 323

My shiny roof

We found it hard to find figures for PV output, month by month so we thought we would share our figures on the web. Hope this helps those contemplating installing PV.
Good luck.
We have a 3.96KWp array installed on a south facing 35degree roof, with no shading. Installed by SunGift Solar on 16 November 2009.
We have 22 x Sharp NU180 panels and a Fronius IG40 inverter.