Monday 22 March 2010

Output Figures

Month - My guesstimate before installation - Actual KWh 2009-10, 2010-11 

November - 142 - 168 - 203
December - 100 - 162 - 141
January - 111 - 156 - 151
February - 214 - 170 - 170
March - 354 - 371 - 421
April - 444 - 560 - 520
May - 478 - 496 - 475
June - 462 - 573 - 450
July - 464 - 450 - 475
August - 456 - 423 - 400
September - 367 - 374 - 374
October - 221 - 323

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the figures, it is very useful to see actual data. I used them before getting my 2.5kW system fitted.
